Hey I'm Sian, I'm 20 soon to be 21! Currently a 2nd year student in University of Ulster studying Information Communication Technology. Completed my GCSEs in Craigavon Senior High School (Lurgan campus) before moving to Belfast. Then to the Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education to complete my Alevels , which originally were Art, French and Maths. I wanted to change my career path from teaching to ICT, so the Alevels i had when i left Belfast Institute were Art, English and ICT.
I have been working in "Your M&S" as a coach (trainer) for four years now, feels like i live there. You will find me in the foodhall at nights and weekends. Also since the start of the summer, i have been working for CCEA (you know that examination board that you swore you didn't want to see again). I am currently working in their finance department, paying all those writers, examiners that marked all of our exam papers and the invigilators that wore the shoes that clickity - clacked up the exam hall.
I live with my mum, little sister and two little brothers. Oh and how could I forget Molly my dog, aka the white fluffball, who takes on the personality of whoever she is with in our family. Finally past my driving test and now driving a new Renault Megane! My hair has changed quite abit within the last year, starting uni with long blonde hair, after christmas I made a dramatic change going super short and dark and now I have made the decision to go back to blonde. The saying is true Blonde do have more fun......That's me in a nutshell.
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